Tuesday, November 20, 2007

33 weeks; only 7 to go!!!!

Here is Miriam at 33 Weeks (doesn't she just look beautiful). That means we only have 7 left. It only gets more exciting as we get closer. We are still working on getting the baby's room ready, though we have made some progress over the last couple of weeks. We have picked a crib and will be ordering it this week. We already have the highchair, the carseat/stroller combo, and the pack and play. Also we have registered at Target and BabiesRUs for some of the other things we might need.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Well, we have decided to consolidate down to one more-family-friendly, fuel effecient, reliable car, so we sold Miriam's little Nissan and are working on selling Chris's F150 and just yesterday we purchased a Brand New 2008 Honda CR-V.
Here are some pics of our NEW CAR!!!!!
From the side
Also from the side

From the front

Chris and the car
Miriam and the Car